Yesterday, was our 6 week check up and "confirmation of viability" appoitment and it went great!
My doctor started with this question: How are you feeling?
Me: pregnant, tired, nauseous
Dr: Good! Those are all good signs.
Me: Really? I wasn't sick a day in my entire twin pregnancy and now I find it nearly impossible to get off of the couch or think about making an actual meal. (Unless of course pizza rolls and a can of corn counts...)
Dr: Well, you know they say it gets harder as we get older
There we go again with the older comments!!! They told me not to wait to do another round of IVF after the twins because I would be older and I would not produce as many eggs...FALSE! I produced 6 more eggs this time!
They told me that the quality of my eggs wouldn't be as good this time around b/c I am (gasp) THREE WHOLE years older...FALSE! The quality of our embryos blew our first IVF round out of the was unfortunate that all of our excellent embryos were affected with CF.
I fear, however, that they may be right this time! I am T-I-R-E-D and I mean very tired. That is not a complaint b/c I am so super grateful to be pregnant, but I have never been this tired in my entire life!
Oh, and the nausea. I am a bit of a drama queen...I'll just go ahead and admit that. However, I am not exaggerating at all when I say there are a handful of things that sound good to me to eat. You would think I would be losing weight with the little amount of food I can actually eat. That is NOT the case though!
Our little sticky bun is still measuring one day ahead at 6w2d (I was 6w1d at the appointment), but the very best part of the whole appointment was hearing the beautiful sound of our baby's heart beating. takes my breath away to think that there is a perfect little miracle growing inside of my belly right now! He/she grew from .210cm to .517 in just 3 1/2 days and the heart rate was 117-119 beats per minute!
Being the anal one that I soon as I got home I checked the twin’s stats from that point in pregnancy. At 6w2d we had heart rates of 88 and 100. At 7w2d we had 109 and 117 (117 was Ellie) and then they were both 164 at our 8 week appt.
So, this baby has a stronger heart beat than either of the twins did at this stage! Every little step we take I feel more at peace.
B and I talked about what our "gut instincts" are about the gender and we both agree at this point. Yesterday, Ellie wanted a "little broder" and even went so far as to call it a "him" and "he" when referencing the baby in conversation. Only time will tell!
My next appointment is on November 17th and I will be 8 weeks 1 day. I can't wait to see our little miracle again!
Breast Cancer Walk and Pumpkin Patch
3 months ago
Yeah for a healthy baby!!! I am glad all is going well. As a note we waited 3 years between having my son and our twin girls and I will say I was much more tired and and sick the last time around. So I think age does play into it :)
I just want to say congrats and nausea/vomiting combined with being tired is hard. I used to think that if I complained about my m/s, somehow that meant I was ungrateful. I also thought with my 1st that if I found out the sex, that would be ungrateful, but you know what, I am grateful and m/s isn't fun regardless. So if you complain, that doesn't make you ungrateful, it makes you human.
SO happy for you dear friend! Continued prayers for you and the precious life growing inside you!
Yay for Sticky Buns!!! :) Miss Ma'am, I am *SO* stinking excited for you & B-dawg! I especially love-love the Floating Fetus thang you got going on. So cool!
Hope you're getting lots of rest and taking it easy. Praying for a wonderful, blessed pregnancy!
Oh, and I left you an award on my blog. Go check it out! :)
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