Bennett David Kahl

Bennett David Kahl
I do not cease to give thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers Ephesians 1:16

Monday, July 12, 2010

It’s been one of “those” days…

I DID have a great post ready for today.  I had some fun things to share about changes that are happening in our home.

Then, today happened.  And I have to share about this day b/c all of the moms out there can sympathize with me…and because I want it documented when I turn these blogs into a book!


I woke up at 7:30 because Ellie has gymnastics on Monday’s and it literally takes me 2 hours to get ready and out the front door. 

I was super excited when I was running 20 minutes early b/c it meant I could run into Starbucks to get a coffee since our coffee machine bit the dust.  Getting two kiddos out of the car isn’t ideal, but I really needed coffee!!!!

Gym was fun as usual and from there we were headed to pay our water bill.  I haven’t seen a bill since Cullen was born and that concerned me b/c it’s been 5 weeks.  All is fine with the bill, but I sure didn’t have a checkbook to pay it!!!  Good thing it’s not late yet!  So, a trip all the way out of my way for nothing!


As I left, Ellie dumped her chocolate milkshake from Starbucks all over my backseat.  Detour to Mr. Carwash for a shampoo and an expensive car wash I didn’t really need.


A quick stop at Carters because Cullen has outgrown all of his NB onesies that he sleeps in.  I was JUST going to stop for jammies for him and ended up spending  a lot of money I didn’t really intent to spend.  OOPS!


Then it was off to Target.  Ellie has blisters on her big toes from swimming this weekend and I needed to get her water shoes.  As I was pulling into a spot I had to stop abruptly b/c there was a woman getting out of her car door as I did that there was an idiot…I mean woman…backing out of a spot across the main isle from me.  She didn’t stop and I did, so she ran smack into the back of my drivers side.  I could have died.  I knew what happened as soon as I heard the crunch.  Thankfully, my babies weren’t hurt b/c we weren’t moving, but I was still shaken up. 

The woman exited her car and immediately said it wasn’t her fault…I don’t think she understands the right of way rules.  I told her to just wait a minute while I called my husband.  I have never been in an accident, so I had no clue what to do.  My husband the amateur race car driver has been in his fair share, so I knew he would know what I needed to do.  I had her give me her insurance print out and I copied all of her info down.  I only gave her my name and phone number and then I sat in the parking lot and cried for about 5 minutes!  Needless to say, I didn’t make it into Target to buy the water shoes…maybe tomorrow.


By the time this fiasco was over with and I made it home I had 15 minutes to get Ellie and Cullen changed and fed before we had to leave for swim lessons.  Naturally, the guest room toilet would pick this moment to back up…par for the course!  By the grace of God we made it to the lessons on time and safe!


Finally, we got home for the day.  However, as Ellie was exiting my car she hit her head on the corner of my car door…hard!  So, a frozen ouchie pad to the rescue and here we are. 


B’s advice: Take your left palm and rest it on your right shoulder blade…take your right palm and rest it on your left shoulder blade…now squeeze really tight and imagine it’s me giving you a big hug.

My response:  I’ll see you in a minute…I’ll be the one drinking the glass of red wine!


So, I’m off to do just that!




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