From my three year old!
Yesterday, was our peri visit. It was another long day at the doctor with a drive by to Brandon's office so he could pick something up and then back home to fix Ellie's hair before her ballet class started. At the end of the day I went into one of my usual contraction spells where I was having regular contractions 6 minutes apart with small contractions between the big, painful ones. Ellie is usually banished from the bedroom when I am going through that because I need total silence in order to relax. After my demand dose had been administered and things were sort of calming down Ellie looked at me and said, "Oh, mommy...don't worry it's going to be okay." At that moment I realized that this is affecting her more than I ever wanted it to. I looked at her and I said "I sure hope so honey, I love you." She curled up next to me in my nest and fell fast asleep.
So, a sweet way to end a long day! The news was actually good at the office. We got in pretty quickly and before we knew it Dr. K flew in and started the ultrasound. Cullen flipped his position and his head is now in the upper right rib section of my body and his feet are down. I actually like that position better because I don't feel as much pressure down low and that reduces my anxiety a ton! We couldn't get ANY good pics of our little man this time because he had both hands up over his head and he was not facing us directly. His face has definitely gained some more chub though!
We looked at his brain, his heart, examined his PDA valve, verified once more that he is indeed an "hombre" (doctors words), and checked out hands, feet and measured bones. I love ultrasounds because I think it is fascinating to watch the miracle of life grow inside of me. I love when he moves on ultrasound and I can feel each of those never gets old because to me it is just such a huge blessing. At the end of all the measuring Dr. K looked at us and asked how much we think he weighs now. I have been doing an average weight gain for him and so far he has stayed on track for 4 ounces/week. So, I told the doc that I was sure he was 2 pounds 7 ounces. He looked at me in shock and asked if I could read the screen (which I couldn't...even WITH my glasses on!) He said I was dead on and asked how I knew. It was hilarious...I was basically guessing based on what he has gained over the last few weeks and I was right! So, I patted myself on the back and we moved on. I am excited about Cullen's size because he is about 2 weeks ahead of the twins as far as weight is concerned and as I always say...if he is going to come early we want him as big and strong as possible!
Next up, the cervical check. Praise the Lord there is still no cervical change. He measured me at 3.6 CM which is up .2 CM from his last measurement. I am perfectly happy with that! No dynamic changes and no funneling! I did ask him how accurate the Ffn testing was and he said over 99% accurate within the first 7 days and then they *think* it is just as accurate for the next 7 as well. Whatev! I was told not to worry unless I start to see some cervical change. I also explained about the regular contractions and hospital visits...his exact words to me, "I am not worried about your contractions." Well, that makes ONE of us!!! We still have to take every episode very serious because we never know if it will be the one that changes everything.
I then asked about betamethasone which is a steroid given in 2 doses 24 hours apart to help with lung maturation. He said he would give me the Rx to have it filled or he could give me the first injection in his office right there and B could administer the second one at home today. So, we took him up on it and got the lung steroids on board. This way if Cullen is to come early we have taken this precaution. Not only does this set of shots help with a preemie's lungs, but it reduces the risk of IVF (intraventricular hemmorhage...better known as brain bleeds) and it also helps prevent against NEC (necrotizing entrocolitis). If you have followed us from the birth of the twins you know that I was given the steroids AFTER my water broke with Bennett and he actually suffered from bilateral brain bleeds and NEC...the research does indicate that steroid shots given after ruptured membranes is not as effective as the shots given before ruptured membranes. I have asked my OB about receiving the steroid shots and she was less than thrilled to administer before 28-30 weeks. I felt like the better bet was trusting a doctor that deals with high risk deliveries ALL THE TIME vs. a doc that see's women like me every once in a blue moon. So, I am praying that taking the shots so early is actually a good thing, but in the end it won't really matter if we get him here at 36 weeks anyway!
I came home to a house that was newly carpeted and it looks AWESOME, but my poor overworked husband got stuck putting back all of our furniture and decorations. He has been so patient this entire week with painters, carpet men, landscapers, and being the one man moving company. To top it all off I had to call him at work today because my pump line had a 2 1/2 inch air bubble in it and I needed to change my site right away...before the air bubble got to the catheter. I truly can't wait for the day that I can be a good wife again and have the house picked up and a warm dinner on the table for him. We have both been through a ton and the great news is we only have 9 MORE WEEKS!!!! Single digits now folks!
Tomorrow, B has his soccer coach meeting at 9am, a birthday at 11:30 and another soccer coach meeting at 2! He is one of 2 coaches for Ellie's Hot Shots soccer team and he is as dedicated to that as he is to anything else he puts his name on in life. Sunday, will be a welcomed break as the girls celebrate Cullen's shower and B gets to have his "Man Fest" aka power hour with the boys! A little down time for all of us! Speaking of Cullen's shower...Ellie is just now starting to protest against all of this Cullen talk. Up to this point she has been the picture of happiness when it comes to Cullen. Now that presents are coming in the mail for HIM only her feelings are getting hurt. She has been more defiant the last few days and today she cried twice telling me she wasn't going to go to Cullen's party. Oh, boy...this is going to be some transition! I am praying that once he gets here she will "get it" and I just know she is going to be the overjoyed big sister that wants to hold him, kiss him and feed him all by's hoping anyway!
Picture update coming Sunday after the festivities. Happy weekend to All!
Breast Cancer Walk and Pumpkin Patch
3 months ago
1 comment:
I'm so glad to hear everything is going so well. I'm continuing to pray for all of you. I'm looking forward to pictures...
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