Bennett David Kahl

Bennett David Kahl
I do not cease to give thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers Ephesians 1:16

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Oh, Ellie…

Ellie is 5 1/2 going on 13. 

Before we had kids I remember saying:

“My kids will never act like that!”

Eating my words!!

It’s funny because it truly took having my own kiddos to realize that they just come the way they are meant to be. 

Ellie is dramatic, compassionate, very type A, sensitive, maternal, dramatic (Oh, did I say that twice??), shy, inquisitive, and very funny!

Here are a couple of conversations we had recently that I want to remember.

E: (screaming at me from the classroom) MOM ~ hurry Cullen has markers.

Me: (Cleaning out the 6,845 outfits that don’t fit her anymore from her closet so I can the 9, 594 new ones in it!) I’m coming Ellie…just take it from him.

E: (letting out a very dramatic exhale) UHHHHH ~ OOOOOKKKAAY, but he won’t let me.

Me: (arriving on the scene) Thank you for the marker Cullen.  Mommy said no markers, only crayons.  Okay?

E: See, this is why mothers and fathers are supposed to watch their own children!

Me: speechless!


E: I’m just growing older every day

Me: yep, you sure are

E: I know.  Sad isn’t it



Sitting at the table having lunch

E: Mommy, why can’t I see Bennett anymore?

Me: Because he died Ellie

E: Well, what happens when you die

Me: (cringing that we are even having this convo at her age) Well, everyone has a spirit that lives inside of their bodies.  So, when Bennett died his spirit flew up to Heaven to live with God.

E: Then where is Bennett?

Me: His body is in the cemetery.

E: what is a cemetery?

Me: It’s the place that we leave flowers.

E: oh…huh. 

And that was it.  She was done and got up and went upstairs to play. 

I REALLY need to read a few books on explaining all of this to her.  She is smart and inquisitive and I am starting to realize that I need to have accurate answers for all of this stuff so I don’t sound like a bumbling idiot when she asks these deep questions.

My posing princess.  I have no clue where she picks this kind of stuff up.  If I had to guess I’d say her Barbie movies!

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Oh, my sweet Ellie,

You are simply amazing!  Your personality is all YOUR own and I love that about you.  These pictures sum you up pretty well.  D.R.A.M.A.

You pick out your jammies and do your hair and chapstick every single night before bed because you want to look beautiful.  Typically, you walk out of the bathroom with a strut and wait for the boys (daddy and brother) to tell you that you look beautiful!  It is hilarious.  I want you to know that you are as beautiful on the inside as you are on the outside.  And beauty on the inside is what counts the most.  I love you sweet girl.

(The watermark is a new thing and I have a separate blog post about why we are doing it…for now)

1 comment:

Lindsey: Mama of Andrew, Adam, and Ally said...

She's such a cutie pie!! And happy belated birthday to Cullen!