Bennett David Kahl

Bennett David Kahl
I do not cease to give thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers Ephesians 1:16

Friday, July 13, 2012

What Cullen can do at 2!

I spent the morning trying to look back at old posts and compare what Ellie could do at 2 vs. what Cullen can do.  Shocker…I didn’t even keep a record of her milestones. I am bummed, but dedicated to keeping track of Cullen’s so at least one of my kids has a semi-complete record of their childhood!!

At 2 Cullen can:

-count to 12: it’s funny b/c he skips 11 usually, but somehow he always manages to make it to 12. 

-count down from 3 and then say blast off!

-“reads” his favorite books, “Pete the cat” several times a day.  He will actually turn the page and paraphrase what that page says (only b/c we have read them to him 1,345,698,000 times)

-knows opposites (I’ll usually say a word and he will tell me the opposite.  Happy and sad make him laugh and I think it is because of the facial expressions we make)

-will not eat food with his hands

-can sing his ABC’s  to the letter H by himself and then he will copy you the rest of the way

-identify all of his shapes

-knows all of his colors (and as unusual as it is he sometimes confuses red and blue.  Ellie did this exact same thing forever)

-can swing on the bar at gym and almost flip backward holding onto the bar by tucking his feet through the bar.

-can swim under the water in the pool and will actually jump off of the side and swim underwater to us if we stand back far enough.

-can jump up and down with both feet repeatedly

-carries on FULL conversations.  His receptive language skills are amazing for his age I think, but more impressive to me are his conversational skills. (at home and usually only around us.  He tries to act shy in public and when we have people at our house)

-plays independently just like Ellie did when she was younger.

-can color in his coloring book (not inside the lines!)

-easily does front rolls and seat drops at gym

-can kick a soccer ball

-can name every single type of transportation vehicle

-will name his friends when asked who they are

-can take his clothes off and put his crocs on all by himself

-washes his hands and will scrub his body with a washcloth in the tub

-can brush his own teeth (although we still help him)

-has crazy upper body strength

-doesn’t like ice cream, but LOVES popsicles

-favorite candy is M and M’s (he calls them mena mena’s and Ellie also loved them when she was young)

-naps once a day usually from 11-1 unless we are on the go (if at home he actually asks to go to bed)

-asks to go to bed in the evenings too! 

-H.A.T.E.S to shop.  As soon as I step inside of a clothing store he starts screaming “outside…I want to go outside”  It’s awful and embarrassing

-wears a size 4 diaper (although I think we may be out of diapers pretty soon), size 6-7 shoe, 18-24 month pants and 2T shirts

-Loves to play with cars/trucks and LOVES dinosaurs!

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Cullen you are so lucky to have Ellie as a big sister!!  She has taught you so much and she loves being a role model to you.  You amaze all of us every single day.  From your witty personality to your athletic skills you are pure joy!  We love you little bud bud!

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