Bennett David Kahl

Bennett David Kahl
I do not cease to give thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers Ephesians 1:16

Thursday, June 2, 2011

In two days…

My precious little miracle man will be ONE!!! 

It has been a true blessing to wake up every single day for the last eleven months next to my two babies.

This is a snapshot of Cullen at almost 12 months old:

He is walking!!!   Everywhere!  I pray daily that he suffers no permanent damage from all of the head banging that occurs from his repeated falls...he is ALL boy!

He climbs on EVERYTHING he can lift his ten inch long leg onto!  Diaper boxes, his train, the chair in the office!!  It is going to give me heart failure…but, he is so proud of himself that I just laugh.

He is pretty much over all baby food. He eats waffles, any and all fruit, hot dogs, pasta, squash and zucchini, and prety much anything else you put in front of him. He drinks water mixed with prune juice like a big boy from a cup and almost never takes a bottle. He still nurses about four times a day. We are almost sure that he has a milk allergy and the result from giving him dairy is a stinky, vomit mess. Poor guy!  We tried soy yogurt and he loves it!  Daddy is in the process of getting a non-dairy recipe for his cake this weekend.


At CF clinic last month he weighed 22 pounds. I was expecting him to be bigger, but I think the walking combined with his transition out of baby food has slowed his gaining.

He is in a size 4 diaper and wears 12-18 month clothes. He has three new pairs of big boy shoes in size 5 for his 'Kahl' wide feet!!  It is so much cheaper to buy for boys!!  He has three pairs of shoes to wear with everything and I think Ellie has a different pair of shoes to wear with everything!  There are too many cute choices for girls...not that Cullen’s aren't cute too though.

Our big guy is also talking up a storm!  At about ten months he had a vocabulary of nine words. (Momma, Dada, titer for sister, bo,  dog, touch, hello, bye, ball, catch, ugh-oh).   Now he is putting these words together and saying more!  He will look at me and point to the ball and say 'ball' then walk and get it. Or yesterday he was watching Ellie at gym and he said 'mama' pointed at me and then pointed inside the he was telling me he wanted to go in there. It is so amazing to have the opportunity to watch your child grow like this!!  He can moo when you ask him what a cow says and he tries to bark to mimic Bo.  He can also identify nose, ear and mouth when you ask him where they are. His new 11 month words: eat, juice, click, Hi

I know I have Ellie to thank for this...and I AM thankful...because Cullen loves books as much as his big sister. He will sit for an entire book, point to the pics and retell it in his very own language. So fun to watch.

We spend a lot of time outside because it has been so nice. Cullen goes to the door and says 'ball, ball' until you finally take him out. He loves to swing and play bubbles, but his favorite thing to do is play ball. He can throw, kick and 'catch' any ball he lays hands on. 

He has figured out the cause/effect relationship in a lot of his toys and even during meals. He knows that if he throws an undesirable piece of food from the high chair and yells 'ugh-oh' mommy will throw it away and he is safe from eating it!!  Smarty pants!

I feel so fortunate to have the chance to be a mom all over again. With Ellie we were in and out of the hospital every day because of Bennett. I don't feel like we ever had the chance to just sit and enjoy the little things. After Bennett died we woke up daily in survival mode. It wasn't until Ellie was at least a year and a half that we slowed down and felt so e semblance of normalcy. With Cullen I am blessed to enjoy the small things every single day! 

It has been an emotional week.  Part of me thinks that no matter how many kiddos you have, when the youngest one turns ONE you start to realize that your baby days are over.  I have loved every single baby snuggle, cry, stinky diaper, reflux episode, bath, grunt, playtime, feeding, and all the little things I am leaving out. 

Being a mother is a gift...a true blessing.  And for me it is a dream come true.  This last year has to be one of the best years on record!

10 months11 months

10 months                     11 months




1 comment:

CK said...

Auntie C loves the 'ugh oh' and will therefore start trying it at work :)

Speaking of, I've moved Cubicle Island to Blogger - I'm adding the original posts a week at a time (from Wordsmith), and even have new stuff to add, so I am back in the game too.