Bennett David Kahl

Bennett David Kahl
I do not cease to give thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers Ephesians 1:16

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


This post is unorganized in my head…so, I don’t expect it to be an award winner…it is what it is.

The definition of trust is a reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, surety, etc., of a person or thing; confidence.

Brandon and I have been dealt a difficult hand of cards when it comes to our past with the medical community and that has damaged our confidence.  We had our issues with the  OB in our first pregnancy…and then there is the issue with Bennett which is another story for another day.  Add in ALL of the medical issues I have and you can probably understand why we have trust issues with doctors and why we have so much anxiety with the current situation we are in. 

Today was not exactly what I expected it to be.  the nurse in the OB’s office yesterday was concerned about my contractions (rightfully).  I was concerned about my contractions as was our entire family. 

I expected the doctor to be as concerned as everyone else…and I was a little put off that she wasn’t. 

This post would end up painfully long if I rehashed the entire appointment.  Basically, my doctor thinks contractions are normal.  She HATES using uterine monitors because of situations like mine…they detect preterm contractions and freak patients out. 

Here is my point: If the monitors are detecting contractions…that means I am having them!  If I am having contractions at 22 weeks we have a problem. 

Not so, according to her.  Am I bleeding???  No.  My cervix checked out today and passed the test.  Good.  So, then what?  Well, according to her we just sit and wait.  She wouldn’t do the Ffn test today because she believes it’s too early.  She is the same doctor that told me to wait until my 19th week of pregnancy to start the 17P injections…it is COMMON knowledge that you start 17P at 16 weeks if you have a history like mine.  We had to go around her and ask the peri for the 17P and he was happy to let me start right at 16 weeks.  Ffn is made to be started AS EARLY as 22 weeks.  Her argument today was that it is so early at 22 weeks that we could get a false positive b/c your body naturally makes Ffn up until the early 20 weeks in pregnancy.  So, once again I was knee deep in a battle with her about dates.  I’m tired…so, she won.  I gave up.  Am I happy about that?  No, I am ashamed that I didn’t have the guts to just say, “It’s my body…do it!” 

But, like I said…I’m tired. 

She is a doctor, so at what point do I just convince myself to TRUST her?

She should know what she is doing, so why shouldn’t I just back and let her do what I am paying her to do and feel confident?

I have a good reason…our past.  Period.

We have been burned badly.  We have been let down by the people who had our lives and our children’s lives in their hands.  How do you come back from that?  When do you decide to put your faith in someone else again?  When do you leave your child’s life in the hands of someone else?

It is a lot to have to process in the middle of everything else we are going through.  B and I had a great talk in the car afterward and I know I have to work on trust.  I know that at some point I am going to have to trust the decisions our doctors are making…even if their beliefs are different from mine. 

Trust is just a difficult concept for me because it means not being in control.  If I am in control and something goes wrong I only have myself to blame and there is no regret to live with in the end.  And to be honest…B and I live with a lot of regret about our past medical decisions.  We are in a vicious battle and it all comes down to letting go.

So, I am trusting in my doctor and we are going to sit and wait for our next appointment in two weeks to do the Ffn.  At that point we will know if I am in danger of delivering Cullen.  (and at that point we also see the peri)

Most importantly, I am trusting in God.  It is because of Him that we are here right now and it is only Him that will get us to where He wants to be.  No amount or lack of control and not one doctor or medicine can do that all alone. 

That’s the plan!  Bed rest, pump, monitor and lots of prayers are also a part of the plan!!  Oh, and willing these contractions away…hopefully!

Trust in the LORD with all your heart,
And lean not on your own understanding;
Proverbs 3:5




Jodi said...

I have major trust issues as well. It is the major roadblock keeping Ryan and I from trying again. I don't have a doctor who would be right on board with me and confident I could get through another pregnancy. I need that. I'm still angered about how I was treated when I went in with contractions at 22 weeks and they sent me home with nothing. They didn't even check my cervix. They failed me. They failed my children. I don't know how I'm ever going to get over that. I'm so proud of your strength and courage. You are amazing, your family is amazing and Cullen will be so lucky to join your family as a healthy baby boy. I just know it will be okay. You've come so far. You are continually in my thoughts and prayers. God bless.

Anonymous said...

We are all praying for all of you. keep your strong faith in Christ and He will continue to fortify you. We love you guys. Aunt Connie

Anonymous said...

CHANGE DOCTORS ... or at least go see someone else to confirm what this doctor is telling you - at the very least to give you some peace of mind.

SERIOUSLY! You NEVER want to look back and say you wished you had done something differently ... if there is ANY part of you that is not comfortable with how you are feeling and what you are being told, get another opinion - do it for your own sanity.

Doctors are just VERY educated guessers. They certainly do not know everything about every medical condition - nor do they how to treat/prevent every condition (hence the term "practicing medicine"). They are HUMAN and they DO make mistakes ... and I'm sure after having two babies in the NICU, you know this to be true.

YES - definitely trust God ... but trust YOURSELF, too ... and trust your motherly instinct. Just because your OB has an MD does not make her trustworthy ... and it does NOT sound like she is doing much to earn your trust as her patient. You need someone who will be extremely proactive and who will take your concerns as seriously as you take them!

I am so sorry for rambling on and on ... I just KNOW you will feel better if you talk to someone else ... and if you are told the same things, then FINE ... but if you're NOT and you are told that your concerns are legitimate and there IS something else that can be done to make sure Cullen stays where he is for as long as possible ... then, well, it's worth it!!