The Price of...
2 doctor visits in two days: $50 (w/o the radiology bill)
1 unused oral antibiotic and 1 IM antibiotic shot: $300-600 (depending on amount covered by insurance)
2 sleepless nights: exhaustion
Watching Ellie dance in her white keds with nothing but panties and a t-shirt on tonight...PRICELESS!
Just my luck...the doctors office never called us this afternoon with her results. I guess they just want me to call them in the morning and remind them that she was a PREEMIE and that she is at increased risk for RSV. (Yes, they are open once a month on Saturday and tomorrow is that day.) If I got paid for all of the medical consulting I have to do for our family I would be set by now! Actually, I love our pedi and I am sure the reason he didn't call is because he isn't worried. Then again Dr. Mangal knew on November 7th that I was diagnosed with CF, but he didn't call to tell me until January 6th...I think I'll still call them tomorrow. :)
So, Ellie napped while I rocked her from 5 until about 7:30. She ate a little bit of dinner, played in the tub with lots of steam in the bathroom (thanks friend for the advice)and then got a chocolate covered pretzel as a treat. Now she is watching Sprout TV, I am on the laptop and Brandon is snoring next to me...he OBVIOUSLY had a long two days as well...sure! I will update tomorrow with any new info.
Please keep Ellie in your prayers. She always seems to get a little worse when she is sleeping which makes it impossible for me to sleep. However, I am so proud of how well she has done with this whole illness thing (if you take out the whole refusing the medicine issue). I gave birth to two of the most amazing and strong willed little miracles...what a blessing!
Breast Cancer Walk and Pumpkin Patch
3 months ago
Hey girl! Thanks for keeping us updated on the Pretty Pretty Princess - glad she seems to be feeling a little better. Praying for a restful night for both of you!
Let us know what you find out from the doc. Hopefully, no news is good news???
Glad to hera that Ellie seems to be doing better. I hope she had a great night, and you were able to get some sleep!
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