It can’t be…that today I am turning 31 because I am pretty sure I just turned 30 yesterday.
It can’t be…that my baby girl is almost 2 ½ …because I am pretty sure they were just born yesterday.
It can’t be…that my precious angel boy has been gone for almost 2 years…because I am pretty sure I just held him in my arms yesterday.
It just can’t be…
Why is it as we get older the time really does go by faster? I am sure that when I was 12 the years didn’t go by this fast. What is going on?
I am so grateful to be one year older…don’t get me wrong, but I feel like time is pushing me through my life faster than I want to go. I want to experience new things and make new memories, but I don’t want to leave the one’s I cherish with all of my heart behind so quickly either. I am not just talking about Bennett (although he is a MAJOR reason I hate to see every day end…making it one day further from our last “date”). I HATE watching the time with Ellie slip away. I love, love, love being a mommy more than anything else in the entire world. I love spending every single day with Ellie and it scares me that the last 2 ½ years have gone by so fast. She has changed and grown so much. I just don’t want this phase to end…not that I’m not looking forward to the times we will have in the future. I am scared that this is my one chance to be a mom and these are the only times I will get to make these memories. It is terrifying to think that this is the only time you will change diapers, or make bottles, or potty train or teach someone to read. I want to do that a million more times…I just don’t want these times to end.
So, I reread my post from last year and I loved it! (I have to say so myself!)
I love the positive attitude I had going into this year. I love the thought that the last year was probably the worst and that it could only get better. I am going to keep it (the positive attitude that is) and keep the same hopes and prayers for this 31st year of life. I KNOW it holds greatness for me. My blessings have not “run out,” I know that He has carved out some wonderful journeys for my future. I am going to end this 30th year of life triumphantly…not just in survival mode!
So, cheers to the many blessings my 31st year WILL bring!
Breast Cancer Walk and Pumpkin Patch
3 months ago
Happy Birthday, Friend!!! I know these last two years have been hell on earth at times, but you have been simply amazing in the way you've handled them...with grace, dignity, and total dependence on the Lord.
I have no doubt He is looking down and whispering in your ear, "Well done, good and faithful servant." And Bennett is probably right next to Him saying with pride, "Yup! That's my mom!!!"
Wish I could take you out for a birthday cocktail - you know, one of those completely obnoxious ones that they bring out in a fishbowl decorated with 50 umbrellas and half a pineapple sticking out of it? :) Tell you what, next time I'm in Houston I'll call you up and make good on that, k?
Love you so much, Birthday Girl! Tell B-man to give you a HUMONGO hug for me and enjoy your special day!!! MUAH!!!!
Happy Birthday! Enjoy your day!
Happy Happy Happy Birthday Girl! I hope you have a wonderful day and I can't wait for the walk on Sunday. Love and God Bless!
Happy Day!! I can't believe that I have you by over a can not be!! Congrats!
Sorry I am a day late, but Happy Birthday!!! Lots of us are turning 31 this year. Hey, it's not so bad when you get to share it with friends. Hope you had a wonderful birthday and are enjoying your weekend!!!
Happy Birthday! Mine is next month and I am having the same feelings....time goes by way too fast!
Sorry SO late But I hope you had a really great birthday! I wish you an AMAZINg year and I hope ALL your bday wishes come true!
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